Access Keys:

Gibson Primary School, Omagh

Big Birthday Bash Fun Night Raffles

19th Jun 2023


19 June 2023

Dear Parent

We are holding a few raffles at our PTA Big Birthday Bash Fun Night.  Tickets for both these raffles cost £1 per strip and go on sale tomorrow. Tickets can be bought in school each day or on the night of our Big Birthday Bash.

Raffle One - A selection of prizes including:
- Mobile Clothes line worth over £200 
- Silverbirches Hotel Sunday Lunch for 2 voucher
- McGuigan's Autocare Full Car Valet - worth £60
- £50 Milan Voucher
- Joe McKay Photography Photoshoot - worth £70

Raffle Two
We are running a separate child's raffle for 2 scooters.  

A huge thanks to all our parents who have donated prizes including (S Maxwell, L McGuigan, R Kee)

Please send money in with your child if you would like to purchase a ticket.

Yours sincerely

K Sterritt